C# Coding standards

  • use PascalCasing for class names and method names
public class ClientActivity 
    public void ClearStatistics() 

    public void CalculateStatistics() 
  • use camelCasing for method arguments and local variables.
public class UserLog 
   public void Add(LogEvent logEvent) 
    var itemCount = logEvent.Items.Count; 

    // ... 
  • do not use Hungarian notation or any other type identification in identifiers (except interfaces)
// Correct 
int counter; 
string name; 

// Avoid 
int iCounter; 
string strName;

The Visual Studio IDE makes determining types very easy (via tooltips). In general you want to avoid type indicators in any identifier (Exception: Interfaces)

  • do not use SCREAMING CAPS for constants or read-only variables
// Correct 
public static const string ShippingType = "DropShip"; 

// Avoid 
public static const string SHIPPINGTYPE = "DropShip"; 
  • avoid using Abbreviations. Exceptions: abbreviations commonly used as names, such as Id, Xml, Ftp, Uri
/ Correct 
UserGroup userGroup; 
Assignment employeeAssignment; 
// Avoid 
UserGroup usrGrp; 
Assignment empAssignment; 

// Exceptions 
CustomerId customerId; 
XmlDocument xmlDocument; 
FtpHelper ftpHelper; 
UriPart uriPart; 
  • use PascalCasing for abbreviations 3 characters or more (2 chars are both uppercase)
HtmlHelper htmlHelper; 
FtpTransfer ftpTransfer; 
UIControl uiControl; 

The type here is Pascal, but the field is camelNotation.
  • do not use Underscores in identifiers. Prefix private member variables with an underscore.
// Correct 
public DateTime clientAppointment; 
public TimeSpan timeLeft; 

// Avoid 
public DateTime client_Appointment; 
public TimeSpan time_Left; 

// Exception 
private DateTime registrationDateStore; 
  • use predefined type names instead of system type names like Int16, Single, UInt64, etc.
// Correct 
string firstName; 
int lastIndex; 
bool isSaved; 
// Avoid 
String firstName; 
Int32 lastIndex; 
Boolean isSaved; 
  • use implicit type var for local variable declarations
var stream = File.Create(path); 
var customers = new Dictionary(); 
var index = 100; 
var greeting = "hello"; 
var isCompleted = true;
  • prefix interfaces with the letter I. Interface names are noun (phrases) or adjectives
public interface IShape 


public interface IGroupable 

  • name source files according to their main classes
// Located in Task.cs 
public partial class Task 
  • organize namespaces with a clearly defined structure. Generally namespaces should reflect the folder hierarchy within a project
  • vertically align curly braces
class Program 
   static void Main(string[] args) 

  • declare all member variables at the top of a class, with static variables at the very top. Exception, keep backing variables with their property.
public class Account 
   private int AgeStore;
   private string NameStore;

   public string Number {get; set;} 

   // Constructor 
   public Account() 
       // ... 
  • use singular names for enums and plural for bit field enums.
// Correct 
public enum Color 

// Exception 
public enum Dockings 
   None = 0, 
   Top = 1,  
   Right = 2,  
   Bottom = 4, 
   Left = 8 
  • do not explicitly specify a type of an enum or values of enums (except bit fields and where the value is required)
// Don't 
public enum Direction : long 
   North = 1, 
   East = 2, 
   South = 3, 
   West = 4 

// Correct 
public enum Direction 

// Correct
public enum Temperatures
   Freezing = 32,
   Boiling = 212

// Exception
enum Days
    None      = 0b_0000_0000, // 0
    Sunday    = 0b_0000_0001, // 1
    Monday    = 0b_0000_0010, // 2
    Tuesday   = 0b_0000_0100, // 4
    Wednesday = 0b_0000_1000, // 8
    Thursday  = 0b_0001_0000, // 16
    Friday    = 0b_0010_0000, // 32
    Saturday  = 0b_0100_0000  // 64 
class MyClass
    Days meetingDays = Days.Tuesday | Days.Thursday;
  • Name global styles and static resources with their functional purpose instead of (for example) a color name
// Don't
           <Color x:Key="Red">#FFDC0A0A</Color>

           <Color x:Key="Error">#FFDC0A0A</Color>
  • If your line of code is greater than 80, chop it to two or more lines except where essential.
  • Prefer Switch statements to multiple nested if statements
// Don't
if (...)
    if (...)
else if(...)

// Correct
case 1:
case 2:
  • Use braces with conditionals, for loops, etc.
// Correct
   if (condition)
// Don't
  • Where possible prefer switch expressions over switch statements
// wrong
    case 1:
      x = 50;
    case 2:
      x = 100
       x = 0;

// Correct
foo switch
    1 => 50;
    2 => 100;
    _ => 0;
  • enable nullable references and treat these warnings as errors
#nullable enable
Person? person;  //etc.
  • use null conditional (?.) operator rather than if statements for null
// wrong
if (a != null)
    if (b != null)
        return c.name;

// right
return a?.b?.c.name;
  • use null coalescing (??) operator rather than if statements for null
// wrong
if (a != null)
    if (b != null)
        return c.name;
        else return string.empty;
    return string.empty;

// right
return a?.b?.c.name ?? string.empty;
  • refer SetValue & Lambda expressions for properties (inherit from BaseViewModel)
// wrong
private string _property;
public string Property
    get { return _property; }
        _property = value;

// right
private string _property;
public string Property
  get => _property;
  set => SetValue(ref _property, value);

// SetValue is created in the base class and handles checking for changed values and calls to INotifyPropertyChanged.
  • declare and define commands in one statement in the ViewModel
public ICommand MyCommand =>
    new Command( async ( ) => await OnMyCommand( ) )
  • Do not place all backing variables together — put them with their properties
// Wrong
private string _prop1;
private int _prop2;
private int _prop3;

public string Prop1
{ ... }
public int Prop2
public int Prop3

// Correct
private string _prop1;
public string Prop1
{ ... }

private int _prop2;
public int Prop2

private int _prop3;
public int Prop3
  • Treat Warnings As Errors
  • Use “TODO” sparingly, and check the TODO list often